Top things to know about bidding on a job posting:

Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out to any steward assigned to your area.

After the award has gone through there is no taking it back. The only options at that point are to take the posting or to submit your resignation. There is no winnable grievance to be had for a position being awarded correctly.

Bidding Process (B-14)

District wide postings must be posted in all offices in the district. If you bid on a route across the state and are awarded that posting, you will be forced to taking that posted position or you will have to resign. Be careful what you are bidding on and that you have looked at travel time to that office and maybe even called that office to meet management and look at the route, or routes, that you could be assigned to.

The section in our contract concerning the bidding process are enumerated in Article 12 and break down to these basics:
  • You have to have at least one calendar year of seniority to bid on any posting, the first time the posting is posted. [12.3.C.2.g]
  • Vacant routes have to be posted within 30 days of becoming vacant [12.3.A.2]
  • PTFs do not have to bid to be awarded a regular route, they get whatever is leftover [12.3.C.2.d]
  • Local postings are for 10 days [12.3.B.1]
  • The local award after a posting shall be within 10 days after the posting ends. [12.3.C.3]
  • Placement in new assignments are to happen within 21 days of award. [12.3.C.3]
  • District postings are for 15 days [12.3.D.1]
  • The district award after a posting shall be within 10 days after the posting ends [12.3.D.4]
  • Placement in new assignments are to happen within 21 days of award. [12.3.D.4]